Mobile Legends Luo Yi guide

Akeswarganet – Mobile Legends Luo Yi guide

Born from the balance of Yin and Yang, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang hero Luo Yi wields the ancient power of geomancy to shape the battlefield and restore harmony.

. The most interesting part of her kit is her ultimate, Diversion. Different from Arrival, it teleports all allies within the circle to a location of her choosing.

In this ONE Esports guide, we dive deeper into her abilities, strategies, and the best build to maximize her potential in the game.

Luo Yi’s skills in Mobile Legends

Luo Yi’s skills can create Sigils of Yin/Yang on the battlefield. Each Sigil lasts up to several seconds. Sigils of opposite attributes will trigger Yin-Yang Reaction when they are within a certain distance, dealing magic damage to the marked enemies, stunning them for a second, and pulling them toward each other.

The triggered stun isn’t very long, so her shield and slightly extra movement speed help with survival.

Luo Yi’s base damage is low if you don’t trigger Duality, so it’s important to combo Yin and Yang together.

Duality doesn’t work on jungle monsters – only enemy heroes – which means you’ll experience a slow clear.

Dispersion and Rotation will switch between Yin/Yang upon cast

First skill – Dispersion

Luo Yi casts the energy of Yin/Yang in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and those behind them in a fan-shaped area.

She stores up to four Dispersion charges and gains a charge every eight seconds.

The state of this skill changes on each cast.

Luo Yi summons Fire of Yang/Aqua of Yin at the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing them for a moment.

Fire of Yan/Aqua of Yin then remains at the location for several seconds, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. It can also trigger Yin-Yang Reaction with Sigils of opposite attributes.

Luo Yi guide

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